Elsewhere Society

While attempting to raise money for the 1983 season, Pocket Opera’s management continually received polite declines, suggesting that they look “elsewhere” for funding. So, they looked to long-time loyal supporters, the audience, for assistance and … The Elsewhere Society was born!

The Elsewhere Society members listed here have made gifts of $300 or more to Pocket Opera between July 2023 and October 2024. They receive priority seating at all performances, advance season notice, invitations to VIP events and, of course, our gratitude.

While we endeavor to keep our records correct and current, we apologize for any mistakes. If you notice an error in our records, please let us know: info@pocketopera.org

Corporate, Foundation & Government Support

The Bernard Osher Foundation ♦ The Frank A. Campini Foundation
AOL Giving Foundation ♦ Blackbaud Giving Fund
Amazon Smile ♦ San Francisco Grants for the Arts
CAOSB Venues Grant ♦ Salesforce.com Foundation

Individuals Giving $10,000+

Mel and Yen Bachmeier ♦ The Vance E. Carney Trust ♦ Peggy Hill
Paul and Sylvia Lorton ♦ D. G. Mitchell  Lisa Moore ♦ Hendrika Neys  Anonymous

Individuals Giving $5,000+

James Clavin ♦ Carol Hurst ♦ Laura and Stephen H. Olson
Cheryl Sorokin ♦ Dr. George and Bay Westlake

Individuals Giving $2,500+

Karen Fox ♦ FoxTravis Hale ♦ Jeffrey Jordan ♦ Pamela Sebastian  

Individuals Giving $1,000+

Henry and Willa B. Anderson ♦ Kathleen Beckman ♦ Lock Bingham
Dave Yeske and Elissa Buie ♦ David De Figueiredo ♦ Lawrence Dillon ♦ Dan Eisenstein
Dustin Finkle ♦ Margo Hall-Callender ♦ Kurt Keadle ♦ Todd Liles ♦ Bernice Lindstrom
Sharon and Peter Lingane ♦ Eva McGhee ♦ Jane Neilson ♦ Robert Nussbaum
Lissa & Eric Resnick ♦ Paula Romanovsky ♦ Samuel and Sachie Weeks ♦ Ann Williamson ♦ Marie Zderic

Individuals Giving $500+

Hedy Aliaga ♦ Cheryl Blalock ♦ Tracy Clevenger ♦ John Downey ♦ Karen Fox ♦ Dr. Edmund Graziani
Mary Harden ♦ Victoria Hoover ♦ Jeremy Knight ♦ Patricia Knight ♦ Justin Marsh
Bob and Karen Martin ♦ Mary Kate Metzger ♦ Andrew Murphy ♦ Baker Peeples and Ellen Kerrigan
Catherine Pfeil ♦ Michael Schnitzer ♦ Paul and Alice Slavich ♦ Nancy Starr ♦ Steven and Mary Swig
Jim Tellefson ♦ Revan Tranter ♦ Elizabeth and Gene Wright ♦ Jerry Zientara

Individuals Giving $250+

Ian Aitchison ♦ Peter Ballinger ♦ Susan A. Barkan ♦ Helen Berggruen ♦ Kenneth Borelli ♦ Joe Burgess
Bernard Choden ♦ Jeff Dunn ♦ Lois and Roland Feller ♦ Elizabeth Ferguson ♦ David and Brandie Gallagher
Jan Halbach ♦ Ted and Jan Lassagne ♦ Larry London ♦ Diana Lum and David Gomberg
Thomas Moran ♦ Richard Morgan ♦ Marilyn Nasatir ♦ Robert and Donna Oliver
Donald Reinberg ♦ Meredith Riekse ♦ Una Ryan ♦ Robert and Linda Selinske
Montgomery Slatkin ♦ Peter Susskind ♦ Susan Wheeler ♦ Darla Wigginton

Pocket Opera Inc.
469 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

(415) 972-8930

Pocket Opera is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Federal Tax ID: 94-2418029